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Saturday, September 5, 2015


Becca spots two approaching mountain bikers
This summer and now, heading into fall, the Tortugas Mountain Trails recreation area has been more crowded (especially on weekends) than I've ever seen it.  It's not nearly as packed as other parks (like Thunderbird Park in Glendale, Arizona, for instance, which is overrun with people every morning), but I'm afraid--with continued growth of Las Cruces--that Tortugas is headed that way.  When the BLM first opened Soledad Canyon for hiking Dr. K and I trekked out there for nearly two years before the place really got "discovered."  Try going out there on the weekends now to get in a solitary hike, and you won't believe how crowded the canyon is.
Farm & Ranch Museum (foreground) city of Las Cruces behind

Heading into a clearing

Tortugas Mountain

The vast Chihuahuan Desert

Tortugas and the Organ Mountains (background)

Sun paints the desert floor

Can't get any happier hiking

Desert Marigolds


What you don't want to see stalking you:  Turkey Vulture


Scott said...

Gotta' move further out of town, Packrat! Because the humidity declined a bit last evening, Kali and I decided to chance a walk after dinner. We still got pretty warm and a bit sweaty, but I got to see two more Common Nighthawks. I thought they had all migrated, but I was (gladly) mistaken!

On a personal note, I think I've got a heart problem--maybe pretty serious. Last weekend, Kali and I were on a 3-mile walk and began to ascend a hill that we have walked up dozens of times. This time, though, as we were half way to the top, I couldn't catch my breath. We slowed down and I made it to the top, but I was out of breath and lightheaded. This scenario repeated itself on the next several hills. I decided to see if it would pass, but even modest exertions now leave me breathless. A call to the doctor is in order, I believe.

Dr. K said...

Scott, I hope you take care of yourself!

packrat said...

Scott: A call to the doctor is absolutely in order--and don't put it off. I had a similar experience back in 2006, and an angiogram revealed I had severely blocked arteries. I ended up having bypass surgery.

Your symptoms warrant examination; and, who knows, it may be something completely different and not as serious. But you've got to find out.

All the best. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you.

Antes del Viento

View of Tortugas and the Organs from LDR-A arroyo Sunny with little wind when Dr. K, Willow and I set off on our morning hike.  We saw the T...