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Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Tiniest Hint of Fall

This morning, for the briefest period of time, a cool wind carried the promise of fall weather.  It didn't last long, though, and no sooner had Becca and I started to climb our first hill than the temperature started to rise as the sun blazed down from a clear sky.  About half an hour ago, when I took Becca for her afternoon ride, it felt as if we were climbing into a blast furnace when we got into RAV4.  I couldn't get the windows down fast enough and turn the air conditioner up to the highest setting before we felt as if we were baking.  We've been really hot this summer, and the heat just doesn't seem to want to abate.


Dr. K said...

At least we don't live in Phoenix, where it's hot until November.

Scott said...

Packrat: Tell me about it. We're in the midst of our 6th official heat wave this summer (90+ for three consecutive days or longer), and it hasn't rained in 18 days. It is extremely humid (wet blanket humid today) and significant rainfall is forecast for tomorrow; it had better rain or plants are going to start to die.

By the way, I called my doctor to make an appointment yesterday regarding my shortness of breath. My regular doctor will not have an appointment available until October 1, but other members of her practice could see me earlier. The receptionist said, without being alarmist, that they consider shortness of breath a serious issue and they would fit me in immediately if I was experiencing that symptom. I still haven't decided what to do, but I will see my doctor...promise (if I don't die first)!

packrat said...

Scott: Our chances of rain have gone up significantly thanks to Hurricane Linda, which is steaming up the west coast now.

I'm not much of an advice-giver, Scott, but I wouldn't wait until October 1st if I were you. Going in earlier will give you more peace-of-mind.

Antes del Viento

View of Tortugas and the Organs from LDR-A arroyo Sunny with little wind when Dr. K, Willow and I set off on our morning hike.  We saw the T...