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Sunday, September 27, 2015

Mountain Weather

Double rainbow
You've got to love the mountains and their unpredictable weather.  With 0% chance of precipitation yesterday it started to rain fairly hard in the late afternoon, producing the double rainbow you see in the first two images.  The rain lasted for a little over an hour, muddying things up just enough to force us to step cautiously on our morning hike along the Grand View Trail.  The rain had a residual effect, too, leaving enough moisture in the air to make for a humid, uncomfortable hike today.  The extra precipitation has had a positive effect as well, bringing out more insects for birds to feed on.  This morning we saw more birds on our property than we've seen in the past five years.
Rainbow's end: our pump house (though I found no gold inside)

Becca looking for her buddies

Where are they?

Vista from the Grand View, a New Mexico rails-to-trails trail

One of Becca's favorites

White Sands National Monument

Midpoint ramada

The very high desert

Heading down the Grand View Trail

Shady respite

Heading back


Scott said...

Is there a pot of gold in that shed at the base of the rainbow? We may get some rain tomorrow and Wednesday; it is so incredibly dry here that earthworms are on the move over the ground surface trying to find some moist soil. We had a full, dense bank of clouds last night, and so we had no chance of seeing the total lunar eclipse. Bummer.

Dr. K said...

At one point we could see a double rainbow, though it dissipated quickly.

packrat said...

That "shed" is our pump house, Scott, and no, no pot of gold inside. Earthworms on the surface looking for moist earth doesn't sound good.

Antes del Viento

View of Tortugas and the Organs from LDR-A arroyo Sunny with little wind when Dr. K, Willow and I set off on our morning hike.  We saw the T...