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Monday, September 14, 2015

On the Hunt

Just west of the Tortoise
As we were headed back this morning, not far from the spot pictured in the first image here, a Greater Roadrunner appeared, and he clearly had his eye on a particular prey I never saw.  He was so determined to catch his breakfast he seemed fairly unperturbed by our presence.  In fact, this Roadrunner got closer to us than any other in the past--at times within ten feet of me while I took his picture.  I did see him(?) make a stabbing dash beneath a Creosote Bush, but he disappeared before I could determine if he'd been successful on his hunt.
Ocotillos in the high foothills

Up a sunny slope

Huge rock squirrel (dead center)

Trail to the lower desert passes a huge Torrey Yucca

Out to the northwest and headed back toward Tortugas Mountain

Greater Roadrunner on the move

Pausing to check us out

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

It's almost magical to be able to get so close to a wild bird in its natural habitat.

Antes del Viento

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