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Thursday, September 17, 2015

Post Hump Day Hike

Watching somebody on the mountain
It's still very hot here in the northern Chihuahuan desert; we're supposed to be in the mid-80s, but we're in the mid-90s, and frankly I'm very tired of the heat.  We should be slipping into autumn by now, but it still feels like mid-summer.  Not much to do about it, but complain.  Becca took her requisite number of shade breaks on our lengthy hike--four--and stayed long enough each time to recover from the heat.  She drank a lot of water, too; we both did.  There were a quite a few cars in the Sunset Parking lot, but we only ran into two other hikers--an elderly man and woman who were headed for Geothermal Road.
In a sandy arroyo

Well-deserved shade break

In the arroyo looking back at Tortugas Mountain

Smallest lizard I've ever seen--size of my thumb

Sunny break in the shade


Dr. K said...

Amazing that you were able to get a clear shot of that very small lizard.

Scott said...

I'd think about maybe changing this post title, Packrat...

It's still very warm here, too. Normal highs this time of year are about 78, but it's near 90 today. I'm done with it, too. It's supposed to get down to normal or below next week; it'll be a relief!

packrat said...

Another mid-90s day for us here, Scott, but the weather is supposed to change beginning tonight. We're headed for rain and temps in the mid-80s. Can't wait.

Antes del Viento

View of Tortugas and the Organs from LDR-A arroyo Sunny with little wind when Dr. K, Willow and I set off on our morning hike.  We saw the T...