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Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Day After the Fall

Becca and I did a moderately-long hike this morning, and I used the trek to see how my body was doing after yesterday's fall.  With the exception of some sore muscles--and a slightly-swollen heel of my right hand--the old bod seems okay.  We ran into our friend Jimmy as we were heading back in, and he reminded me that he took a bad fall last year, very similar to the one I had yesterday.  Fortunately he didn't hurt himself badly, either.
One way to go:  along the arroyo just west of the mountain

Ocotillo skeleton

Slaloming along the squiggly trail

Down the single-track

This profile

And this profile

Chihuahuan Desert flora

We searched for this yucca because it reminds me of Apache crown dancers

Tortugas (left) and the Organ Mountains

Apache Crown dancers yucca


Dr. K said...

I can really see the Apache Crown Dancers in those two yucca--that's pretty neat.

packrat said...

Thanks, Dr. K. Yes, they look like Crown Dancers or Mountain Spirit Dancers.

Dr. K was Cold

It was cooler this morning with a gusty wind; due to the weather conditions we hiked more quickly along our regular route. When we got back ...