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Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Pope Day in the Borderland

Fresh out of the car on our morning outing
Pope Francis arrived in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico this morning, which is directly across the Rio Grande from El Paso, Texas.  His visit to the Borderland has been reported on steadily for the past two months.  It's such an important historic event that a large section of El Paso is shut down in hopes of directing traffic properly.  The Pope leaves for Rome this evening, and I'll be glad he's gone--solely because I am really sick and tired of hearing about his visit.  No disrespect meant to Papa Francisco because, even though I'm not religious, I do believe he's a compassionate man.
Pile of football-size rocks deposited next to the trail through an arroyo

Climbing out of the lowlands

What does Becca see?

Becca sees this:  a Black-tailed Jackrabbit (a true hare)

Ever higher along a mountain trail

We're descending into the lower desert

Becca returning after making a deposit

Striking up a large arroyo back toward Tortugas Mountain

Somebody rode a horse through here recently

78F today; you'd never know it's winter

Spanish Dagger, Soaptree yucca and Ocotillo

Chihuahuan Desert sky

Somebody wanted to make sure Miguel knew where to go

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

A quiet way to spend the early morning. Very different from the crush of crowds trying to see Pope Francis on his visit to the borderlands.

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