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Monday, February 29, 2016

Trekking on Moonday

Just after 7:00 am start
It felt a little chillier for our early start this morning (perhaps because we left earlier than usual), but I was hiking in shorts and a short-sleeve shirt and a lightweight warm-up jacket.  Took the jacket off about midway through our trek.  On the drive over to Tortugas we saw a coyote crossing the road on University Avenue in a heavily-traveled area.  The canid had entered a fenced-off construction area on the right side of the street, and I could tell from its reaction that it realized it was in a bind.  We didn't get to see its decision because we had to keep driving due to vehicles approaching from behind.  I found myself fretting about Mr. Trickster during our entire hike.  Fortunately, on the way back we didn't come upon any coyote carcass in the road so I assumed it had made it safely back into the desert.
Eager to go


Allthorn silhouette

X marks the spot where the single-track and a small arroyo cross paths

Jackrabbit watch

West of Tortugas Mountain

For people who think the desert is flat

Check out the different angles of the Torrey Yucca shadows

The illusion of a flat horizon line

Arizona Jewel Flowers

Hedgehog Cactus

Looking down on the Hedgehog what do I see?

I see buds that will blossom into flowers in a few days

Which are contrails, which are clouds?

Paws for the cause in the outback

Western Peppergrass and Wild Rhubarb

Soaptree Yucca, Creosote Bushes, Organ Mountains and contrails

Velvety nerisyrenia

White-winged Dove on an Ocotillo wand


Dr. K said...

I love to see all of the desert plants beginning to blossom out.

Scott said...

Blooms in February! Amazing! The only plants blooming here in the northern Piedmont right now are non-native (but lovely) snowdrops and the highly invasive (but also lovely) lesser celandine.

Wednesday's Walkabout

Tortugas and the Organs It wasn't as cold as it was yesterday morning, but it felt pretty chilly when Dr. K, Willow and I did the daily ...