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Thursday, January 2, 2020

Abbreviated Outing

Across the Farm & Ranch museum (barn) and part of Las Cruces to Picacho
There's not much to say about my morning hike:  I got started early; it was cold and windy; the sun never made an appearance; and I cut the trek way short--under an hour because I didn't want to expose myself to the above-mentioned conditions for a prolonged period of time.  That is all.
Single-track along the west side of the mountain

West of the single-track is the arroyo beside Tortugas Mountain

In a different arroyo

Trail up the mountain's west side

Left to right:  Ocotillos, Torrey Yucca, Soaptree Yucca

Hedgehog Cactus

There's somebody climbing the switchback trail.  See him?

Organ Mountains and the flank of Tortugas at far eight

The road home


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I really like the photo you called "The Road Home." Not a good weather day for a hike.

Saturday with Wils

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