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Monday, January 20, 2020

Feeling Low

Morning moon
Really missing Becca this morning as I hiked familiar trails she and I trekked on nearly every day.  Hard to find a place where we didn't go together because I took her nearly everywhere around Tortugas Mountain--even on serious bushwhacks into the outback.  She loved every minute of it.

Since schools are out for the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday there was a crowd of young people stalled part way up the road to the mountaintop, and they were screaming, yelling, laughing and making noises that would scare ferocious wild animals away; they ruined nearly half of my outing until they finally disappeared.  I don't know if they went up or down, but I was glad to have them gone.  No sense in wondering how some young people think it's okay to behave like that; all I know is that my father and/or mother would have cuffed my brother and I up the backside of our heads if we had ever screamed that way.

By the time I returned to Whitey the CR-V--parked at the side of the entrance road--there were quite a few vehicles in the Sunset Area parking lot.  People were getting a somewhat late start on their morning exercise.
One way up the mountain

Pastel sky

Upper foothills trail

On the flank of Tortugas

To the southeast over part of the mountain

Trail from the mountain road

Heading somewhat to the west

My favorite Torrey Yucca

Long view of Tortugas and the Organs

In a far arroyo

Looking at my favorite Torrey Yucca from the opposite direction

Soaptree Yuccas in an arroyo

Soaptree Yuccas on a slope

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I really like the photo "Pastel Sky."

Saturday with Wils

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