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Sunday, January 26, 2020

Bar Canyon Loop

Just starting off in Soledad Canyon
Dr. K and I hit the Bar Canyon Loop Trail in Organ Mountains-Desert Peaks National Monument about 8:20 this morning, and a beautiful morning it was.  People in two vehicles already parked in the lot were out enjoying the weather ahead of us, but we didn't run into anybody until we had turned onto the final leg heading back.  The photographer we met was hiking with his Shar Pei, a friendly light-brown-colored one who carried his own blue saddlebags.

As we got closer to the trailhead we ran into several groups of hikers, all trekking with dogs.  It was nice to see so many people appreciating nature with their canines.  Far too many people get dogs for protecting their property and never let the animals out of the yard.

We saw a few "puzzling" things during our outing today:  an expensive shirt jacket that was hung on the branch of a juniper and a Rubik's Cube left in the middle of the trail not far from the parking lot.
This and the next:  odd thing to find in the middle of the trail

This and the next 2:  heading into the canyon

Don't know which kind of trees these are

Turning onto the Bar Canyon Loop Trail

A wide arroyo runs through the gully

The trail hues closely to the bottom of the slope near the two junipers at left

This and the next:  Sotols just off the trail

This and the next 2:  all brighter green plants are Sotols

Yucca in the foreground, Sotol with two stalks

The trail curves through here

Casita Grande

Turning back

2 vehicles in the lot when we arrived, 18 when we left

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

Very odd to see that Rubric's Cube sitting in the middle of the trail. I wonder what the story is? Nice photos, Packrat.

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