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Friday, January 31, 2020

Hawk While Hiking

Need morning coffee
Another long bushwhack west of the mountain this morning was rewarded with the sighting of a Red-tailed Hawk, though I didn't get many decent photos of the raptor.  He didn't stay perched on his chosen yucca for long, though, so I had to settle for what I got.

Although it was sunny from the start the weather conditions were cold.  I did remove my ear band and gloves midway through my trek, but I never took off my two layers of outwear.  The persistent breeze stayed cold the entire time.

Bumped into my buddy Jimmy up on the flank trail, and he informed me he'd already been to the top of the mountain; so we hiked back to our vehicles together, jabbering all the way.  I always enjoy talking to Jimmy because he and I have a lot in common--for one thing we're practically the same age.
Old-timer Torrey Yucca

This and the next 2:  Red-tailed Hawk

Tortugas and the Organs

Spiky little Barrel Cactus

Prickly Pear in black-and-white

This and the next:  rolling desert

Barrel, etc.

Dried Ocotillo flowers


Going up

Happy yuccas

Name the Chihuahuan Desert plants

Photographed this scene from the other side yesterday

Same tall Torrey as above and below

This and the rest:  Torrey Yuccas

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I really like the colors in the photo of the dried ocotillo flowers.

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