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Friday, January 3, 2020

Two-Edged Sword

Just getting started
I started my morning trek later than usual (just after 8) today in order to take advantage of the steady sunshine; but, wouldn't you know it, a steady breeze with a decidedly cold bite took the edge off the sun's warmth.  Because of those conditions, and due to the fact that I'm still not feeling back to normal, I shortened my hike significantly.  I bushwhacked across to the outer loop road and then followed the single-track east back up into the Tortugas Mountain foothills before turning for the trailhead.

When I got back to Whitey the CR-V my pal Jimmy was just pulling up behind me, and I went to talk to him.  I could tell he wasn't going to get out of his truck, so he invited me into the cab for a short chat.  Turns out he and his wife have been suffering from the same thing that's knocked me down for nearly two weeks.  He told me he'd been hiking much later in the day to avoid the morning cold.  We palavered for 10 or 15 minutes before I popped outside and headed for Whitey for the short drive home.
In an arroyo west of the mountain

Trail slashes left-to-right in upper third of the image

This and the next 2:  trail up the west side of the mountain

This and the next:  further south

This and the next:  in the cactus garden

Looking east toward Tortugas

Looking west away from the mountain

One last look at Tortugas

Scrub Jay that's been hanging around our property for weeks

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

The desert is looking very brown right now--we need more rain. Nice photos, Packrat, especially since you're under the weather.

Extra Long

Willow leading the way Dr. K had to drive all the way to El Paso for an appointment this morning so it was Willow and me on the daily trek. ...