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Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Clearing Quickly

Cooperative cottontail
Got an early start on a fairly long hike west of Tortugas Mountain this morning, and though the conditions were cloudy at first the sky began to clear up quickly.  After yesterday's all-day cloud cover and rain I welcomed the sunshine.  In fact, about halfway through the trek I had to remove one item of outerwear to stay comfortable.

Sadly, during my outing, I bumped into Renee and Barry who told me they had to have their beautiful German Shepherd, Kaiser, euthanized on New Year's Day; he was 12 or 13.  We all shed tears over our lost dogs, agreeing that only true dog lovers would understand the depth of our grief.

There were other outdoor enthusiasts on and about the mountain, and by the time I got back to Whitey the CR-V I had counted 14 vehicles in the Sunset Area parking lot.
Sky at start

This and the next:  looking southwest past Torrey Yuccas

Across the Mesilla Valley

On the flank trail

This and the next:  Torrey Yuccas just off the trail

Trail to the sun

More Torrey Yuccas

High elevation cactus garden

Lone Torrey

Beside Bishop Cap (left) is a blanket of clouds over the Franklin Mountains

This and the next:  much clearer than yesterday

Soaptree Yucca sporting an Afro

Northern flank of Tortugas and the Organ Mountains

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I really like the third photo, the one with the Torrey Yucca in the foreground. Gorgeous.

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